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How to create your media wish list

Do you know what your dream publications are?

Where do you long to be seen or heard?

You'd be amazed at how challenging almost everyone finds this question!⁠ It's something I ask

every single client and 99% of people aren't sure!⁠

Having a wish list of magazines, radio stations, tv programmes, newspapers, blogs, podcasts

that you'd love to feature in is essential when you're doing PR, especially media relations. ⁠

…I call it the Magic Media List.

This list helps you to:⁠

  • Get clear on who your target audience is⁠

  • Refine your language and key messages so you can talk to and connect with them⁠

  • Create a PR plan to help you achieve coverage ⁠

Creating your Magic Media List
Creating your Magic Media List

In order to create your Magic Media List you need to get crystal clear on a couple of


Identify your dream client

Many new businesses struggle to find out who their potential clients could be, and this may mean

you need to niche further. Start to think about who might be using or buying your creative

products or services and ask other people for their opinions too.

Look at where your competitors are selling or talking about their work. That kind of research can

give you important clues to who your ideal clients are. And once you find them, they become

known as your target audience.

Clear strategy

Get your business foundations in place; they will be essential in developing your PR strategy.

Having them nailed will help you create a targeted and personalised approach to the media

which is a recipe for success.

Be really clear on where you need to show up, this requires research and the best bit is you can

sit down with a cuppa and flick through some publications to see what kind of media appeals to

your dream clients! You‘ll need to be really intentional when you are researching, with everything

PR related, it is not about you.

It doesn’t actually matter where you want to be seen, the only thing that matters is where you

need to be seen. And in order to get there, you’ll need to be sharing the right information with the

right people as that will bring the best results.

This is where you think about what from your biz will work for those publications. And again, think

audience first. What will the readers enjoy, not you, not the journalist, the readers? That should

be at the very heart of your PR strategy. What do they need to know, what will impact, influence

or inspire them? Those are the key ingredients of an epic PR strategy.

Populate your media wish list

Now that you’ve defined your dream client and created a strategy, you’ll be able to identify the

publications you need to be featured in. Think about all of the information you just gathered.

What do you think your dream clients are reading to get their inspiration and information? I

recommend you write down 5 – 10 dream publications based on your research.

As you begin researching and pitching, you might naturally start to think of and highlight more

places you think will be perfect, keep going the sky’s the limit!

I love diving into the Magic Media List with my clients, it's fascinating to see where they'd love to

feature or to help them figure this out. ⁠It always forms the basis of our PR plans, because we

turn these dreams into goals, then into results.⁠

Identify your dream publications with a cuppa
Researching your dream publications is fun - grab a cuppa and get stuck in!

Creating a Magic Media List is one of the first steps my 1:1 clients do in my Elevate Your PR 12

week coaching programme. ⁠We get clarity, add a strategy, then take epic action to turn those

wishes into wins. ⁠

Want to know more, head to or just be brave and apply now so we

can have a chat and sprinkle some magic over your biz!


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